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Selling, Staging Stephanie Scriven Selling, Staging Stephanie Scriven

Decluttering and Staging to Sell

Decluttering and Staging

Buyers decide in the first 8 seconds of seeing a home if they’re interested in buying it. Get out of your car, walk in their shoes and see what they see in the first 8 seconds. This is a video of my team and I decluttering and staging a recent listing.

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Home Buyer Stephanie Scriven Home Buyer Stephanie Scriven


Pre-approval is super important when buying a home. A pre-approval tells you how much house you can afford, you need to have this document for offers, and some sellers require pre-approval or proof of funds before allowing you to tour their home.

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Home Buyer Stephanie Scriven Home Buyer Stephanie Scriven

What to Check on Your Final Walk-Through

The final walk-through on your new home is an exciting event. It means you have successfully maneuvered through negotiations, inspections, and financing approval, and are on the verge of signing your closing papers. Most buyers attend the final walk-through with thoughts of furniture placement and paint colors in their heads. But the walk-through is about more than just making sure your favorite chair will fit by the fireplace. Be sure to do your due diligence to make sure there are no issues that should be resolved before you reach the closing table.

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Resources Stephanie Scriven Resources Stephanie Scriven

Renovating Your Home? Check Our FAQ’s!

We are going to review frequently asked questions when renovating your home: How do I pick a contractor? How much will my project cost? How long will renovations take to complete? How do I prioritize projects? Where do I begin? Do I need permits? How much will renovations increase my home value? How should I pay for renovations?

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Resources Stephanie Scriven Resources Stephanie Scriven

Fresh Year, Fresh Start: Cleaning Out Your Home for the New Year

If you, like most Americans, spent a record amount of time inside your home last year due to the pandemic, you may have accumulated more stuff than you have in previous years. Many people acquired new hobbies to pass the time at home, started – and maybe even finished – home improvement projects, or simply went a little overboard with boredom-induced online shopping. If this sounds familiar, it may be time for a decluttering session.

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Stephanie Scriven Stephanie Scriven

8 Ways to Make Buyers Fall in Love with Your Home

We all want people to love our home as much as we do, but especially when you are trying to sell it! While it’s impossible to please every buyers’ taste, there are several easy things you can do to make your home more appealing without spending a lot of money. Try some of these tricks and see if your showings cause buyers to swoon.

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Stephanie Scriven Stephanie Scriven

6 Ways to Teach your Children Gratitude

This has been an unprecedented year for most Americans. As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, some may be finding a lot to be grateful for– for example, the end of the election process, or remaining healthy through the pandemic– while others may have had a different experience and may be struggling with feeling gratitude. Sometimes having gratitude is something people have to work on, especially children, who are used to seeing the world with themselves in the center.

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Selling Stephanie Scriven Selling Stephanie Scriven

Fall is a Great Time to Sell!

Thanking about selling your home but not sure if the fall is the right time of year? It’s actually a great time to put your home on the market. Here are some of the benefits of listing your home in the fall.

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